Interns Take #SMYA16

Earlier this semester, my co-op and I decided that we were going to go to the Sask Middle Years Conference. I was really excited; as an intern (or long time teacher) we are always looking for fresh ideas or new ways to do old tricks. Well, I registered and the very next day my co-op was told he wouldn’t be able to attend. Yikes! I was a little nervous to go on my own, but am I ever glad I did!

I attended 4 sessions, as well as the opening and closing keynote from @theweirdteacher (aka Doug Robertson). On top of collecting amazing resources from the trade show, I learned a bit about STEM/STEAM, using more picture books in the middle years (which students LOVE), what leads to rude behaviour, and Explore+4. All in all, a successful conference.


I have been encouraged to use picture books in my internship already and was a little skeptical at first, but students really respond to them! When I saw a session about using picture books in a meaningful way in the classroom I jumped at the opportunity. I got to flip through tons of books and was given great resources to connect with math, science, health, social studies, and Treaty education. One thing I took away (aside from killer resources) was the notion that schools often share resources, and if your library doesn’t have something, just ask! Chances are they can borrow it from another school.

The second session that I found most meaningful – and timely – was the session on Explore+4. At the time of the conference, I was just about to face my full-time teaching block, which included picking up math. While I taught math in my pre-internship, I was still a little nervous. I knew I wanted to try something different than standard lecture and practice, and Explore+4 seemed to be a great place to start. Check out this lesson to see what I’m talking about!

Explore+4 looks different in most classes, but in my straight grade math class I do a short full group Explore and Connect  (Math Makes Sense lingo) and then my kiddos go into a rotation between 4 stations; Math with Someone, Math On My Own, Math Talk, and Math Sense. They get to explore math in multiple ways, which hopefully increases their understanding and retention of the concepts. Multiple ways of knowing, multiple synapses built!

I was able to learn awesome stuff and take it straight back to my internship and put it into use. I need to thank the Education Students Society for sponsoring me and allowing me to learn and grow!